It is with great shock that the Bar Association and members of the Legal Profession learned of the murder of Ms. Asasha Ramzan, an Attorney-at-Law attached at the Chambers of the Attorney General as a State Counsel. She was admitted to practice law in Guyana in 2020.
Ms. Ramzan was known to be industrious, fair, hard-working and competent Counsel. Within her, held great potential for advancement to the highest levels within the legal profession. Her loss is not only to the profession but to the country at large. At the Bar we deeply mourn her death.
From all reports, Ms. Ramzan’s death is as a result of the violent act at the hands of her partner who, from all indications, took his own life after committing the act.
The Bar Association unreservedly and unequivocally condemns this and every act of gender-based violence regardless of whatever form it may take. Family violence continues to scourge our society and no doubt sets us back.
As Guyanese, we owe a duty of care to be each other’s keeper, we must remain vigilant to look for the signs of gender-based violence.
The Bar Association of Guyana extends sincerest condolences to the relatives, loved ones and friends of our dear colleague.
May she rest in peace.